Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7

Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7
The Mark 7's advanced cloaking makes it impossible to keep in focus

Friday, 30 September 2016

Battle of Quebec City

This is the followup scenario from the battle of Montreal scenario, some of the units are dependent on how the last scenario ended but have alternative unit numbers if the scenario is being played independently, hope you guys like it.

Quebec City: A Rebellion Crushed

The battle of Quebec city occurred in the waning days of the Quebec revolution, rebel troops had been thoroughly beaten despite heroic resistance in Montréal and were pushed back to the Quebec City limits only to find their headquarters under a vicious assault by Canadian Combine loyalists and US forces, the attackers were significantly mechanized and had far superior numbers including units pursuing Montréal remnant forces. The defending force had little hope of success but had nowhere to run and would give anything and everything for their freedom.

Game Rules:
-Civilian Rioters spawn 1 per turn in anywhere in the city

-Bridge is destroy-able SP=40
-The Combine objective is to take the city and destroy as many rebels as possible. If at any point there are no Quebec forces within the city it is an instant Combine Victory.

-If at any time the command post is destroyed as well as all three howitzers, the airport is in combines hands and the bridge is either captured or destroyed it is an instant Combine Victory.

-If all Combine Forces are destroyed it is an instant Quebec ‘Victory’.

-If Combine fail to take the city in 15 turns it is a Quebec ‘Victory’.

-If at any time there are no Ogres remaining and the airport is still in Montreal’s hands and the Command post is still standing it is an instant Montreal ‘Victory’

Québec Separatist Forces:

Canadian 1st Québéc National Guard Infantry Company
15x INF (5x3man platoons)

Canadian 20th Québéc Armor Battalion
12x HVY

Canadian 12th 5th and 3rd Québéc Seperatist Militia - (remnants)
21x MIL (7x3man platoons)

Canadian 2nd Québéc National Guard Artillery Battalion
6x MSL
3x HWZ

Canadian 1st Québécois Seperatist Headquarters Battalion
1x Hardened CP – 10 SP
6x INF
3x Hovertrucks
2x Mobile Howitzers

Canadian Québécois Seperatist Montreal remnant
2x LT
2x HVY
4x GEV
2x MSL
(Or Alternatively Equal to the military non-militia non-infantry units left on the Quebec side after the scenario ended if being played as a campaign.)

Civilian Rioters
1/turn x MIL

Combine Forces:

Combine 20thth Loyalist Canadian Motorized Infantry Company
18x INF (6x3man platoons)
9x Hovertruck

Combine 41st Loyalist Canadian Heavy Armor Company
12x HVY

Combine 33rd United States Light Armored Air Cavalry Brigade
12x LGEV

Combine 22nd United States Armor Battalion – (under strength)
4x HVY
4x MSL

Combine 3rd United States Superheavy “Ogre” Armor Company “Boston Boxers” – (under strength)
2x Mark I Ogres

Map of Quebec City - 2065: