Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7

Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7
The Mark 7's advanced cloaking makes it impossible to keep in focus

Monday, 27 August 2018

2084: A Republic Reborn

The Liberation of France:
In the waning months of the ceasefire years Paneurope launched a major offensive in a bid to retake Combine occupied Paris. Paneuropean troops coordinated with French Paneuropean loyalists to retake the city. With French lowalists attacking from the less fortified west and Paneuropean cybertanks punching through defences from the East, it is up to the Combine United States Garrison to survive until reinforcements arrive. The Paneuropean liberation force is accompanied by 3 new Fencer cybertank models, but their weaponry is proving to be subpar in this campaign when stacked against long range weaponry or other Ogres. The loyalists are made up of outdated tanks and up-gunned helicopters as well as truck mounted militia, though outgunned, they outnumber the western Combine forces in the city. The Combine Canadian reinforcements are spearheaded by a pair of outdated Mark III’s and a Mark V and should punch through anything other than enemy ogres. The Combine Garrison has large numbers of infantry, heavy tanks and artillery which should stave off all but the most determined assault from the east.

Map (Base map from Google Maps):

Dark Green – Forest
Light Green – Open
Lines of Green – Marsh
Grey – City
Yellow –Road

All forces except for the Combine reinforcements setup turn 1, the Combine reinforcements setup turn 5. All forces setup in the designated areas on the map.

Time Limit and Victory Conditions:
The game lasts 10 turns.
There are 5 sectors to Paris, each outer sector (1-4) are equal to 1 victory point, the inner sector is worth 3 points, at the end of the game, the side with more units (infantry counting as 1/3 and Ogres counting as 3) in the sector scores the victory points.
7 victory points – Overwhelming victory
5-6 victory points – Decisive victory
4 victory points – Close victory
3 victory points – Close defeat
1-2 victory points - Decisive defeat
0 victory points - Crushing defeat

Combine United States Paris Occupation Garrison (East):
Combine 123rd United States Infantry Company (elements)
24xINF (8x3 squads)
Combine 70th United States Armor Company (elements)
Combine 33rd United States Artillery Company (elements)

Combine United States Paris Occupation Garrison (West):
Combine 123rd United States Infantry Company (elements)
12xINF (4x3 squads)
Combine 70th United States Armor Company (elements)
Combine 33rd United States Artillery Company (elements)

Combine Canadian South Army Reinforcement Regiment:
Combine 7th Canadian Superheavy Armor Battalion
1xMark V “Big Brother”
2xMark III (“Little Brother”, “Little Sister”)
Combine 24th Canadian Air Cavalry Company
Combine 37th Canadian Mechanized Air Infantry Company
18xINF (6x3 squads)

Paneuropean Liberation Force:
Paneuropean 3rd “French” (German) Superheavy Armor Battalion
3x Fencer (“Foucault”, “Descartes”, “Thoreau”)
Paneuropean 57th Russian Air Cavalry Company
12x GEV
Paneuropean 44th Russian Mechanized Air Infantry Company
36xINF (12x3 squads)
Paneuropean 23rd German Heavy Armor Company

French Paneuropean Loyalists:
Paneuropean 1st French Archaic Armor Company
Paneuropean 2nd French Motorized Militia Company
36xMIL (18x2 squads)
Paneuropean 1st French Archaic Air Cavalry Company
6x Combat Helicopters (stats below)
Attack: 2
Defense: 1
Range: 4"
Movement: 3" (GEV)
Cost: 3


Tuesday, 27 March 2018

2077: A Thorn in Europe's Side

The Hague Landings
In 2077 the Combine mounted their second major amphibious assault on mainland Europe, landing not in France but in the Paneuropean province of the Netherlands, initial landings were met with heavy resistance as the Paneuropeans had been fortifying for years and the fighting was fierce, the Northern landings were repulsed but the landings near The Hague were successful after a long and drawn out battle and the Combine forces successfully established a permanent beach-head pushing north and east and taking Amsterdam, once this was done they had a foothold on the continent and the real war began.
This scenario represents the initial Combine invasion of The Hague and thrust towards Amsterdam harried by the Paneuropean reinforcements from Utrect. At this time the Paneuropeans lacked both Ogres and Superheavy tanks and were hopelessly outgunned by the Combines Ogres. The failure of the Paneuropean forces against Ogres at The Hague would lead Paneuropean generals to push for what soon became the Superheavy tanks.
This battle will hopefully eventually be the start of a campaign game but due to time constraints I am posting this scenario now and will hopefully fill in the rest of the campaign rules and scenarios when the rules are finished, for now, enjoy.

Map (Base map from Google Maps):

Each military force deploys in its designated deployment zone, all Combine units deploy in the Combine deployment zone in the ‘Shallow’ water or on the beach. Heavy tanks, fast mobile howitzers must be deployed on the beach at the edge of the deployment zone.
Pan European forces must be deployed within their respective city deployment zones except for the Coastal Garrison which must be deployed along the sea wall.

The sea wall is assumed to be a heavily fortified position and is treated as city. Additionally the areas within blue are treated as city and the dark green area is treated as forest. Additionally any other grey areas may be treated as city.

Time limit and Victory Conditions:
The game ends after 15 turns. The Paneuropeans set up first. The Combine forces move first. Victory is determined by which city territories are controlled by a majority of units (infantry count as 3 men stands)
The sea wall counts as 5VPs
The Hague counts as 3VPs
Amsterdam counts as 4VPs
Rotterdam counts as 4VPs
Utrecht counts as 6VPs
Additional victory points are awarded for large Ogres.
For each Ogre Mark III destroyed (all weapons or all treads) by the Paneuropeans they gain 1VPs for each not destroyed the Combine gain 1VP
For the Mark V Ogre or Ogre Vulcan if they are destroyed (all weapons or all treads) the Paneuropeans gain 2VPs each if they are not destroyed the Combine gain 2VPs each

Special Rules:
Combine engineers count as double for capturing objectives and may perform normal engineering duties as described in the Ogre Miniatures game rulebook.Additionally each engineer team of 3 has 1 nuclear device which may be deployed in 1 full turn of no moving or shotting to destroy one structure with structure points.
The Combine Vulcan may repair Ogres in the field as described in the Ogre Miniatures Game rulebook.

Fast Mobile Howitzers:
Attack: 6
Range: 10"
Defense: 2
Move: 4"
Cost: 12

Repair vehicles:
Attack: 0
Defense: 1
Range: 1"
Movement: 4"
cost: N/A
May repair vehicles: Disabled vehicles within 1" may be un-disabled automatically and Ogre Aps may be repaired after 1 turn.

Light Artillery:
Attack Strength: 3
Range: 8 (16")
Defense: 1
Move: 0
Cost: 12
Assembles in 1 turn.(turn after deployed may fire)

Anti-tank gun:
Attack: 4
Range: 6"
Defense: 2
Move: 0
Cost: 3
May pack or unpack from truck in 1 turn

Coastal Turret:
Attack: 6
Range: 16"
Defense: SP 10
Move: N/A
Cost: N/A (By Scenario)

Coastal Bunker:
Attack: 2AP
Range: 2"
Defense: SP 10
Move: N/A
Cost: N/A (By Scenario)
May hold 1 3man squad of infantry which may not be shot until the bunker is destroyed

Combine Amphibious Landing Force
United States 34th Armored Air Cavalry Company
12x GEV

British 22nd Heavy Armor Company
12x HVY

Mexican 9th Mobile Artillery Brigade
6xFast Mobile Howitzers

United States 2nd Amphibious Commandoes
30xMarines (10x3 man squads)

Canadian 4th Mobile Heavy Engineer Brigade
18xEngineers (6x3 man squads)
6x Repair Vehicles (may use Ogre Vulcan drones see stats above)

United States 1st Superheavy Armor Company
6xOgre Mark I “Snappers”
2xOgre Mark II “Saints”
2xOgre Mark III “Buddies
1xOgre Mark V “King Henry”

United States 112th Mobile Infantry Company
30xInfantry (10x3 man squads)

Paneuropean Coastal Garrison
6xCoastal Turrets
6xLight Artillery
6xAntitank guns
10x Coastal Bunkers
30xInfantry (10x3 man squads)

Paneuropean The Hague Garrison
15xInfantry (5x3 man squads)
6xMissile Tanks
6xHeavy Tanks

Paneuropean Utrecht Reserve Force
18xInfantry (6x3 man squads)
6xHeavy Tanks

Paneuropean Roterdam Garrison
20xInfantry (10x2 man squads)
6xMissile Tanks

Paneuropean Amsterdam Garrison
12xHeavy Tanks
20xInfantry (10x2 man squads)
12x Missile tanks