Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7

Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7
The Mark 7's advanced cloaking makes it impossible to keep in focus

Monday, 4 July 2016

A Storm Over Syria

This is a scenario that I came up with about five years back and ran, I just recently ended up transferring it to the computer and updating the rules and forces from when I ran it years ago, Though the premise is a little unrealistic (A meeting engagement at a city, it worked pretty well and was  a lot of fun for a 3 player non-allied game, though it should be noted that the Syrian force is not supposed to be balanced and has very little chance of winning. Because of this I played as the Syrian force while teaching two friends how to play, allowing me to play but also to have my friends fight it out. As a side note on the theme of this scenario this is in no way supposed to be political and is based on a theoretical future in an alternate universe and in no way represents my actual views on this region or any current, past or future events in the world. Anyway I'll probably post more scenarios if you guys like them as I have 7 fully completed ones and a number of others in development. Enjoy!

A Storm Over Syria: The Battle for the Middle East

In 2021 the Arabian Confederation formed out of the old Arab league fearing for their safety as super-nations sprung up across the globe. Israel did not join the Confederation, despite heavy pressure from her neighbors, relying on her United States and later Combine ties for protection. The Arabian Confederation brought a level of stability to the region not known since the days of ancient Rome. Although the Confederation cooperated fairly well they lagged militarily and technologically behind most of the world excepting Africa. In 2030 Israel united its country by abolishing the Palestine Zone using questionable methods and Combine support, despite Paneuropean outcry. In the years leading up to the last war Israel implemented heavy military building and creation of land and sea fortifications. When the Combine invaded North Africa in Spring 2074 Israel remained officially neutral. The Arabian Confederation strongly opposed the Combines North African Campaign, sending supplies and non-military aid to the beleaguered non-united African nations. Despite the Arabian Confederation and Paneuropean Federations best efforts all of North Africa folded within the year, some Combine forces pushed South consolidating more ground, but the vast majority of Combine forces pushed east to Egypt stopping only at the Suez Canal in November 2074. Paneurope attempted to broker military access to the Arabian Confederation to liberate North Africa, failing as the Arabian Confederation still hoped to remain neutral. Despite this in January 2075 the Combine launched a joint attack on the Arabian Confederation over the Suez Canal and by sea invading Iran and India. The same week that Combine troops landed, Paneurope invaded the Arabian Confederation along her boarders throwing the already disarrayed Confederation into total chaos. Paneurope successfully negotiated military access from Turkey separately from the confederation, quickly incorporating them into the Paneuropean government structure. Paneuropean forces drove South and East to meet the incoming combine forces. Israel invaded Syria soon after linking up with Combine troops and pushing North, this prompted the Paneuropeans to attempt a sea invasion of Israel with disastrous results.
The year is 2075, Syria. Israel and Combine forces attempt to push their way through Syria Lebanon and Jordan meeting little local resistance, only to encounter the Paneuropean spearhead moving in from the North. The forces clashed at Ar Raqqa, one of the last cities in the region still garrisoned with active organized Arabian troops. As Paneurope still lacked Superheavy tanks and Ogres They relied on large numbers of heavy tanks and mobile Artillery to pack offensive punch. The Combine had yet to develop the Mark 5 and still used front-line Mark I, II and III’s, the combine forces have been continually fighting and are thus without missilesin their Ogres. The Syrian defense force is battle weary and out matched. The defense force is made up of elements of Syrian, Iraqi, Jordan and Saudi Arabian forces that have regrouped in Ar Raqqa. Both the Combine and Paneuropean forces are attempting to take the city but Arabian forces have nowhere to retreat to and will fight to the last man.

Scenario Rules:
This is a 3 player scenario though two player could fairly easily play each attacking side.
Arabian force sets up first.
Combine and Paneuropean players role for first turn, the winner chooses whether to set up first and go first or whether to set up second and go second.
The Arabian force goes last.
The game ends after 15 turns
1-2 VP’s is a major defeat
3 VP is a marginal defeat
4-5 VP’s is a marginal victory
6-7 VP’s is a major victory

Combine - Israeli Peacekeeping Force:
Israeli 3rd Tel Avive Motorized Infantry Company
            10x INF (5x2man squads)
            5x Hovertrucks
Israeli 1st Jerusalem Armoured Company
            6x HVY
Israeli 20th Northern Missile Company
6x MSL
Israeli 1st Golem Ogre “Golan”
Manufacture date
Special Rules
2075 onward
1xMB 3xSB

Combine Invasion Force:
Combine 57th United States Heavy Armor Battalion – “Seattle Breakers”
            1x Mark III Ogre – (no missiles) “Little Jon”
            1x Mark II Ogre “Master”
            2x Mark I Ogre “Slave 1-2”
Combine 53rd Mexican Armored Battalion – “Acero(Steel)”
3x HVY
            3x Missile Tanks
Combine 12th Canadian Armored Cavalry Battalion – “Armored Lightning”
            6x GEV
Combine  70th Mexican Mechanized Infantry Battalion – “bruto(Brute)” - 60
            15x INF (10x3man squads)
            5x GEV PC

Paneuropean Spearhead Force – 630 points
Paneuropean 26th “Penza” Russian Heavy Armored Battalion - 216
            18x HVY
Paneuropean 12th “Volgograd” Russian Light Armored Battalion – 72
            6x Missile Tanks
Paneuropean 92nd German Luftpanzer Battalion “Tod von Oben(death from above)” - 180
            15x GEV
Paneuropean 45th Romanian Motorized Infantry Battalion “Lupi de Moarte(deadly wolves)” - 114
            9x INF (3x3man squads)
            5x HVY INF (5x2man squads) (10 heavy weapons)
            10x Hovertrucks
Paneuropean 3rd Bulgarian Motorized Artillery Battery “Pŭlzyashti Grŭm(creeping thunder)” - 116
            2x ENG INF (2x2man squads)
            6x LAD (Light Artillery Drones)
            7x Hovertrucks

Arabian Remnant Defense Force:
Syrian 4th Armored Battalion
            12x MBT (M4, A2, D2, R4)
Syrian 1st Ar Raqqa Artillery Battalion
3x HWZ
10x INF
Jordanian 5th Infantry Remnant Company
            10x Augmented INF (4x3man squads) (S-3, M-2, D-1, R-2)
            5xAPC (carries 2 INF) (S1, M4, D1, R2)
Saudi Arabian 12th Armored Expeditionary Battalion
            12x LMT (M2, A3, D1, R6)
Iraqi 30th Armored Cavalry Expeditionary Company
            10x LGEV

Map of Syrian Ar Raqqa:


  1. Nice looking scenario, need to try this out!

    I'm thinking all units are in OGRE MINIATURES stats (cut speed and range in half for the board game)?

    1. Yep! You got it, also you may have to use a scaled up map as the hex size will likely be off unfortunately I only use the hex program for planning out miniature maps.
