Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7

Ogres Marks 3, 3-B, 5 and 7
The Mark 7's advanced cloaking makes it impossible to keep in focus

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Ogre Short Story: The Captain

2082: Paneuropean province of Germany, North Western district.
            In a valley just east of the ruined city of Dundland Combine and Paneuropean forces clashed. On a hill overlooking the battle sat a tank.
The battle was far from over but the result was a foregone conclusion in the Captains eyes as he perched upon his light tank. On his HUD he could see the last of the Combine tank company being picked off one by one by the Missile tanks – helplessly blundering through a bog. The last enemy GEV had crashed a few minutes ago and the combine MK III – the real threat - was gasping its last breath as it moved at under half speed, desperately grasping towards the Paneuropean GEV’s which stayed expertly just beyond the reach of its last two batteries. The Combines infantry core had been broken by the heavies and what was left had fallen back inside the city to the east, they’d take forever to get out of there, “best just to pound the site from beyond their range” he thought to himself “Let the nukes sort them out for us.”
The battle had been costly. They had lost almost the entire 67th Russian Armor Core when that behemoth showed up. But with some careful baiting with the infantry they had led it onto the high ground wedged between those two swamps and then the GEV’s had pounced on it. The infantry were gone of course, but that was to be expected, and the GEV’s had taken severe losses but ‘It’ was coming down. “Ah there goes its bite” he exclaimed to no one in particular as the monsters last secondary battery erupted in a micro-nuclear blast.
The Combine must have seen it go too as only minutes later the HUD began flashing a warning “Cruise Missile inbound” Suddenly the Captain was all action moving with precise speed he swung himself over the rim and down inside his tank, and the same instant he was barking orders to his crew. “Jenson! Get me through to command! Now man, don’t just stand there, cruise missile incoming fast!” The crew man was apparently not swift enough and the captain shoved him aside. “This is Malakov Karth of the 67th! We need laser support now! There’s a Cruise missile inbound just south west of our position.” For a moment there was only static and silence other than the beleaguered breaths of the old commander. “Come on damn it”. Then a voice came through reluctantly. “Captain… The missile network’s been taken down in this sector. We can’t even see the missile, let alone take it out. Can you get out of range? Or…” Malakov cut him off. “There’s no time, but that’s not important, don’t you see? This is a test, they’re testing the system! They’ll Nuke the whole damn front and roll right over whatever the hell’s left. Get that system up and running, or you’ll lose the whole God damn 18th Army and they’ll cut off half of the remaining front!” He didn’t wait for the reply. Although the Driver was now in full gear headed away from the missile he knew it wouldn’t be enough. Jenson radio the 34th GEV Company, get them the hell out of here!” Jenson, finally at attention, white faced and sweaty followed orders with only a quick “Yessir”.
Malakov, without pausing, again stuck his head out of the top of the now speeding tank, he could now see it with his own eyes. “Not long now, it’s a big one.” He thought to himself. He could see it cresting the line of hills to the north east. He moved to the radio controls again. “Put me through to all units” He barked. “Men, as you now are, I’m sure, fully aware. That is not a glitch in your system but a cruise missile, and we aren’t getting any support on this one. So unless any of you want to take pot-shots at that thing, there’re not really a lot of options. I won’t mince words, It has been a pleasure serving with you, and I’ll meet you in whatever life comes next.” He clicked the radio off and straightened his uniform.
His HUD began flashing with a new signature, a friendly vehicle closing fast, far too fast. “Sir! It’s the Hurricane!” yelled Jenson. The Hurricane was a captured Combine GEV faster than any of the Paneuropean models. “What the hell is She doing here?!” Exclaimed Malakov. Jenson stumbled over his words as they came tumbling out. “She’s here for us Sir! To get us out of here” Malakov Scowled, he knew they didn’t have the time, the pilot had only thrown away his life and a functional GEV, but it was already done, no point in taking away hope, for it was only hope.
He snapped back into action. “Then move! Get out there, take nothing, go!” The crew, Malakov included, scrambled out of the tank and up the boarding ramp of the still floating hovercraft. “Good to see you captain,” said the grinning GEV pilot as he kicked the craft into full gear. It was only seconds later that the missile detonated in the Valley below, the sound and shockwave hit seconds after that, sending the whole group to the floor. The craft was on fire, one of the lift engines had exploded from the hit. The heat was intensifying even through the BPC Armor plating. The pilot was no longer smiling. He was desperately flipping switches, and from Malakov’s vantage point on the floor he could see the beads of sweat pouring down the pilots face and neck. He thought fast as he grabbed onto a guard rail on the wall next to him, he could see his men doing the same. The ship bucked and shook then a rivet from the inside of the hull broke, springing forth and bloodying the pilots head, his hands fell from the controls. Auto systems attempted to engage and failed. Warning sirens were drowned by the raging inferno behind them. Then the ship lost all power moving only by momentum and the force of the explosion. “Falling, falling too fast.” Blackness.
Malakovs left eye opened; slowly, stickily, it was glued together with blood. The other he did not even attempt, the sight around him was almost surreal. Twisted metal, broken and abused bodies of former comrades were all around. Through a breach in the hull he could see that outside was much worse, all he could see was flame. He closed his one good eye, concentrating, willing himself to move, it opened again, his left hand was still gripping the rail, his right…”Best not to think of my right” he used his left arm to try and raise himself to his knees on the sloping deck of the GEV. He knew every second was precious as the fire outside only intensified. As he put pressure on his left leg he felt sharp pain and heard the cracking and popping of a shattered bone, he nearly collapsed from the pain but took the pressure off. He’d had the best of it looking around. He pushed forward dragging himself to near standing. He grabbed the emergency radio, stumbled to the hatch leaned hard against it. The door gave; he fell through the wreath of fire which was encompassing the GEV hulk. He took three steps and collapsed face down just as flames shot inside the GEV engulfing it entirely. Malakov gasped for air, pushing himself to near sitting using what was left of his right arm. He was on the side of a mountain overlooking the carnage. He quickly switched the radio on with his left hand and coughed up blood and tissue before speaking in a rasping unfamiliar voice. “This is Captain Karth requesting Medical EVAC at this location.” He gasped for air, and looked down at his, now bare arm, where in the few spots he had not been burned by the fire the first signs of radiation poisoning were beginning to appear. “Bring radiation gear and…” A sudden rush of nausea and pain overwhelmed his mind, the world spun. “Hurry” he gasped out as he once again slipped into unconsciousness.

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